Sunday, June 3, 2007

A little about me ...

A little about me ...

My name is Taha Bani Hashim, I am 19 years old. I study engineering at the Higher Colleges of Technology and hopefully will graduate in about 2 years from now (That is if I pass) :-D

I am new at this, so I have no clue none what so ever about what I am doing right now... but am learning!

I am not keen on sports but I try to stay in shape whilst doing nothing!
People say that I am hyper active, but I don’t feel like it (i'll leave that for you to decide ^_^)

My personality:

Witty, charming, talkative, fun to be with, clever, understanding and forgiving.
(You will find out more about me in the future)

I hope I didn’t over do it right there and hope that you like my blog

Best Wishes

P.S: While you’re here, Drop a line or two



Unknown said...

Nice Blog , i love it , it says little but yet it's a lot , hope to see more of you in the Future

Dhabyani said...

Hello there
I Love your blog, specially your writing!
Keep it up Bro!

ahmed_hd said...

you are so happy taha and i wish to a good life my friend^_^

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