Sunday, June 3, 2007

~Global Warming~

Global Warming

Global Warming is the increaser of the average temperature of the earth and became the event of the hour nowadays because we realized that this problem has reached dangerous limits, which we can feel it around us in different changes of the climate. Although we have reached dangerous limits, yet we can still fix what we started. The main problem is that as we have economic growth, we increase pollution rate in the world. To stop pollution, we have to stop economic growth which of course some thing impossible. We can’t stop pollution rate, but we can reduce it. Many organizations came up with many effective solutions that can solve the Global Warming problem by bringing pollution rate to a normal point that we can go on with life with. These targets can’t be reached by organizations and governments only, but every individual have to share the responsibility.

Here are a few pictures that shows the effect of "Global Warming"

Click Here to Download the PowerPoint Presentation

1 comment:

Dhabyani said...

Hi there
As you said, we have to stop Global Warming from spreading because it's causing a lot of damage and we have to work together to find a solution for this problem !