Saturday, June 2, 2007

What caused global warming ?

People are the reason behind global warming. They are trying to fulfill their needs without thinking of the damage that they are causing to the plant. We have to keep our sight clear and try to stop global warming from spreading. There are many causes of global warming, and they are divided into two main groups, human activity and natural factors. There are many causes of global warming that caused by human activity such as burning fossil fuels and the growing population. Also there are many causes that caused by natural factors such as Explosions on the sun, Volcanic eruptions on a massive scale, Changes in earth orbit, Changes in earth's orientation toward the sun and Explosions caused by large meteors hitting the earth. Now I’m going to write about natural factors in brief.

There have been ice ages and global warming periods long before mankind. Scientists have no clue why these climate changes happened, but there are several possibilities: explosions on the sun-volcanic eruptions-changes of the earth’s orbit-meteors.
The changes of the earth’s environment affect the climate in many ways as the world develops. Explosions on the sun generate even more heat than the sun normally gives off and some this heat makes it to the earth causing temperature. Any minor change in the earth’s orbit could cause the earth to move closer or further away from the sun. This could totally change temperatures, because the earth would be closer or further away from its main source of heat.

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