Sunday, June 3, 2007

A little about me ...

A little about me ...

My name is Taha Bani Hashim, I am 19 years old. I study engineering at the Higher Colleges of Technology and hopefully will graduate in about 2 years from now (That is if I pass) :-D

I am new at this, so I have no clue none what so ever about what I am doing right now... but am learning!

I am not keen on sports but I try to stay in shape whilst doing nothing!
People say that I am hyper active, but I don’t feel like it (i'll leave that for you to decide ^_^)

My personality:

Witty, charming, talkative, fun to be with, clever, understanding and forgiving.
(You will find out more about me in the future)

I hope I didn’t over do it right there and hope that you like my blog

Best Wishes

P.S: While you’re here, Drop a line or two


~Global Warming~

Global Warming

Global Warming is the increaser of the average temperature of the earth and became the event of the hour nowadays because we realized that this problem has reached dangerous limits, which we can feel it around us in different changes of the climate. Although we have reached dangerous limits, yet we can still fix what we started. The main problem is that as we have economic growth, we increase pollution rate in the world. To stop pollution, we have to stop economic growth which of course some thing impossible. We can’t stop pollution rate, but we can reduce it. Many organizations came up with many effective solutions that can solve the Global Warming problem by bringing pollution rate to a normal point that we can go on with life with. These targets can’t be reached by organizations and governments only, but every individual have to share the responsibility.

Here are a few pictures that shows the effect of "Global Warming"

Click Here to Download the PowerPoint Presentation

Saturday, June 2, 2007

What i learned...

I learned so many things from this so called project that I do not know. I did not know about global warming, the causes and the effects, but now I know the definition of global warming and I also know what are the causes and the effects of global warming and how these causes can be solved. I also learned how to scan for specific information on the net and summary it then write it in my own words. I also learned how to setup a blog on the net and how to create, edit, delete and customize the blog posts and templates plus the settings.

Indivisual step

UAE considered as one of the industrial countries; therefore, the pollution is increasing. There are different types of the pollution. For instance, there is gassing pollution, etc. CO2 considered from gas pollution. UAE makes many experiments to reduce this gas, and it is still searching about this problem. It makes in every city place for factories and industrial things to make the pollution in one place, and it is far away from the people. It has reduced its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to zero by reducing energy use, buying green electricity and then offsetting the remaining CO2 emissions by investing in carbon projects. The UAE reduce the UAE's CO2 emissions by almost 40%, while increasing oil production by up to 10% and liberating large quantities of natural gas. They use standby gases instead of CO2. In addition, every factory should put filtration, or it will be fine. Finally, I want to mention that UAE grows plants and trees around the residential cities because the trees absorb CO2 for producing the nutrition. Therefore, CO2 will decrease in the UAE.

Global Warming in the U.A.E

The last year, there was an improvement in the fields of environmental protection and wildlife management in the UAE. Many government organizations have been established over the years to study and protect wildlife. Abu Dhabi’s Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (ERWDA) have a major national role in this regard. There are also many other regional departments which have setup their own programs for wildlife protection, environmental protection and increasing public awareness. The UAE National Environmental Day established to focus the attention of government and general public on matters of environmental concern. Emirates News Agency report found that many countries including the UAE is facing a serious danger which caused by Global Warming, and stated that the most two problems are desertification and rising sea levels which could rise more than 2.89 in this century

What caused global warming ?

People are the reason behind global warming. They are trying to fulfill their needs without thinking of the damage that they are causing to the plant. We have to keep our sight clear and try to stop global warming from spreading. There are many causes of global warming, and they are divided into two main groups, human activity and natural factors. There are many causes of global warming that caused by human activity such as burning fossil fuels and the growing population. Also there are many causes that caused by natural factors such as Explosions on the sun, Volcanic eruptions on a massive scale, Changes in earth orbit, Changes in earth's orientation toward the sun and Explosions caused by large meteors hitting the earth. Now I’m going to write about natural factors in brief.

There have been ice ages and global warming periods long before mankind. Scientists have no clue why these climate changes happened, but there are several possibilities: explosions on the sun-volcanic eruptions-changes of the earth’s orbit-meteors.
The changes of the earth’s environment affect the climate in many ways as the world develops. Explosions on the sun generate even more heat than the sun normally gives off and some this heat makes it to the earth causing temperature. Any minor change in the earth’s orbit could cause the earth to move closer or further away from the sun. This could totally change temperatures, because the earth would be closer or further away from its main source of heat.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Effects of global warming ...

Global warming will affect peoples and earth. The main affect of global warming is increasing in the global temperature. Also, there are many other effects of global warming such as acidification, ecosystems, spread of diseases and rising sea levels. I divided the effects into four groups as following:

Effects on weather-More extreme weather-Increased evaporation-Cost of more extreme weather-Destabilization of local climates2. Oceans-Sea level rise-Temperature rise-Acidification-Shutdown of thermohaline circulation-Ecosystems-Ecological productivity-Glacier Retreat3. Economic-Effects on agriculture-Insurance-Transport-Flood defense-Migration-Northwest Passage-Development-Environmental-Water scarcity-Mountains4. Health-Direct effects of temperature rise-Spread of disease-Impacts of glacier retreat

Now, I’m going to talk about one of the Effects on Health in general.

Extreme high temperatures increase the number of people who die on a given day for many reasons; people with heart problems are vulnerable because one's cardiovascular system must work harder to keep the body cool during hot weather, heat exhaustion, and some respiratory problems increase. Higher air temperatures also increase the concentration of ozone at ground level. It damages lung tissues and causes problems for people with asthmas other lung diseases. Rising temperatures have two opposing direct effects on mortality; higher temperatures in winter reduce deaths from cold, higher temperatures in summer increase heat-related deaths.